

brew install elasticsearch  # or whatever your package manager is called.


django cron reindex_addons  # Index all the add-ons.

The reindex job uses celery to parallelize indexing. Running the job multiple times will replace old index items with a new document.

The index is maintained incrementally through post_save and post_delete hooks.

Setting up other indexes:

django cron reindex_collections  # Index all the collections.

django cron reindex_users  # Index all the users.

django cron compatibility_report  # Set up the compatibility index.

django index_stats  # Index all the update and download counts.


We use a custom analyzer for indexing add-on names since they’re a little different from normal text. To get the same results as our servers, put this in your elasticsearch.yml (available at scripts/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml)

  name: wooyeah

  logs: /usr/local/var/log
  data: /usr/local/var/data

        type: custom
        tokenizer: standard
        filter: [standard, wordDelim, lowercase, stop, dict]
        type: word_delimiter
        preserve_original: true
        type: dictionary_decompounder
        word_list: [cool, iris, fire, bug, flag, fox, grease, monkey, flash, block, forecast, screen, grab, cookie, auto, fill, text, all, so, think, mega, upload, download, video, map, spring, fix, input, clip, fly, lang, up, down, persona, css, html, all, http, ball, firefox, bookmark, chat, zilla, edit, menu, menus, status, bar, with, easy, sync, search, google, time, window, js, super, scroll, title, close, undo, user, inspect, inspector, browser, context, dictionary, mail, button, url, password, secure, image, new, tab, delete, click, name, smart, down, manager, open, query, net, link, blog, this, color, select, key, keys, foxy, translate, word]

If you don’t do this your results will be slightly different, but you probably won’t notice.

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