.. _sphinx: ================================== Sphinx (but not the Search Engine) ================================== For a reStructuredText Primer, see http://sphinx.pocoo.org/rest.html. Sections -------- Sphinx doesn't care what punctuation you use for marking headings, but each new kind that it sees means one level lower in the outline. So, :: ========= Heading 1 ========= Heading 2 --------- will correspond to ::

Heading 1

Heading 2

For consistency, this is what I'm using for headings in Zamboni:: ========= Heading 1 ========= Heading 2 --------- Heading 3 ~~~~~~~~~ Heading 4 ********* Heading 5 +++++++++ Heading 6 ^^^^^^^^^ Use two newlines prior to a new heading. I'm only using one here for space efficiency. Sphinx Extras ------------- Use ``:src:`path/to/file.py``` to link to source files online. Example: :src:`settings.py`. Vim --- Here's a nice macro for creating headings:: let @h = "yypVr"