.. _installation: ================== Installing Zamboni ================== We're going to use all the hottest tools to set up a nice environment. Skip steps at your own peril. Here we go! Requirements ------------ To get started, you'll need: * Python 2.6 (greater than 2.6.1) * MySQL * libxml2 (for building lxml, used in tests) :ref:`OS X ` and :ref:`Ubuntu ` instructions follow. There are a lot of advanced dependencies we're going to skip for a fast start. They have their own :ref:`section `. If you're on a Linux distro that splits all its packages into ``-dev`` and normal stuff, make sure you're getting all those ``-dev`` packages. .. _ubuntu-packages: On Ubuntu ~~~~~~~~~ The following command will install the required development files on Ubuntu or, if you're running a recent version, you can `install them automatically `_:: sudo aptitude install python-dev python-virtualenv libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libmysqlclient-dev libmemcached-dev .. _osx-packages: On OS X ~~~~~~~ The best solution for installing UNIX tools on OSX is Homebrew_. The following packages will get you set for zamboni:: brew install python libxml2 mysql libmemcached .. _Homebrew: http://github.com/mxcl/homebrew#readme Use the Source -------------- Grab zamboni from github with:: git clone --recursive git://github.com/jbalogh/zamboni.git cd zamboni git clone --recursive git://github.com/jbalogh/zamboni-lib.git vendor svn co http://svn.mozilla.org/addons/trunk/site/app/locale locale ``zamboni.git`` is all the source code. ``zamboni-lib.git`` is all of our pure-Python dependencies. :ref:`updating` is detailed later on. ``locale`` contains all of the localizations of the site. Unless you are specifically working with locales, you probably don't need to touch this again after you check it out. virtualenv ---------- `virtualenv `_ is a tool to create isolated Python environments. We don't want to install packages system-wide because that can create quite a mess. :: sudo easy_install virtualenv virtualenv is the only Python package I install system-wide. Everything else goes in a virtual environment. virtualenvwrapper ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `virtualenvwrapper `_ is a set of shell functions that make virtualenv easy to work with. Install it like this:: wget http://bitbucket.org/dhellmann/virtualenvwrapper/raw/f31869779141/virtualenvwrapper_bashrc -O ~/.virtualenvwrapper mkdir ~/.virtualenvs Then put these lines in your ``~/.bashrc``:: export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs source $HOME/.virtualenvwrapper ``exec bash`` and you're set. .. note:: If you didn't have a ``.bashrc`` already, you should make a ``~/.profile`` too:: echo 'source $HOME/.bashrc' >> ~/.profile virtualenvwrapper Hooks (optional) ********************************** virtualenvwrapper lets you run hooks when creating, activating, and deleting virtual environments. These hooks can change settings, the shell environment, or anything else you want to do from a shell script. For complete hook documentation, see http://www.doughellmann.com/docs/virtualenvwrapper/hooks.html. You can find some lovely hooks to get started at http://gist.github.com/536998. The hook files should go in ``$WORKON_HOME`` (``$HOME/.virtualenvs`` from above), and ``premkvirtualenv`` should be made executable. Getting Packages ---------------- Now we're ready to go, so create an environment for zamboni:: mkvirtualenv --no-site-packages zamboni That creates a clean environment named zamboni. You can get out of the environment by restarting your shell or calling ``deactivate``. To get back into the zamboni environment later, type:: workon zamboni # requires virtualenvwrapper .. note:: If you want to use a different Python binary, pass the path to mkvirtualenv with ``--python``:: mkvirtualenv --python=/usr/local/bin/python2.6 --no-site-packages zamboni Finish the install ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From inside your activated virtualenv, run:: pip install -r requirements/compiled.txt pip installs a few packages into our new virtualenv that we can't distribute in ``zamboni-lib``. These require a C compiler. .. _example-settings: Settings -------- Most of zamboni is already configured in ``settings.py``, but there's some things you need to configure locally. All your local settings go into ``settings_local.py``. Make sure you have :: from settings import * at the top of your ``settings_local.py``. The settings template for developers, included below, is at :src:`docs/settings/settings_local.dev.py`. .. literalinclude:: /settings/settings_local.dev.py I'm overriding the database parameters from ``settings.py`` and then extending ``INSTALLED_APPS`` and ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` to include the `Django Debug Toolbar `_. It's awesome, you want it. Database -------- You can get a testing database from https://landfill.addons.allizom.org/db/. Run the Server -------------- If you've gotten the system requirements, downloaded ``zamboni`` and ``zamboni-lib``, set up your virtualenv with the compiled packages, and configured your settings and database, you're good to go. Run the server:: ./manage.py runserver Contact ------- Come talk to us on irc://irc.mozilla.org/amo if you have questions, issues, or compliments. Testing ------- The :ref:`testing` page has more info, but here's the quick way to run zamboni's tests:: ./manage.py test .. _updating: Updating -------- This updates zamboni:: git checkout master && git pull && git submodule update --init This updates zamboni-lib in the ``vendor/`` directory:: pushd vendor && git pull && git submodule update --init && popd We use `schematic `_ to run migrations:: ./vendor/src/schematic/schematic migrations The :doc:`./contributing` page has more on managing branches. If you want to pull in the latest locales:: pushd locale && svn up && popd Submitting a Patch ------------------ See the :doc:`./contributing` page. .. _advanced-install: Advanced Installation --------------------- In production we use things like memcached, rabbitmq + celery, sphinx, redis, and LESS. Learn more about installing these on the :doc:`./advanced-installation` page.