The worst schema versioning system, ever?

schematic talks to your database over stdin on the command line. Thus, it supports all DBMSs that have a command line interface and doesn’t care what programming language you worship. Win!

It only looks for files in the same directory as itself so you should put this script,, and all migrations in the same directory.

Configuration is done in, which should look something like:

# How to connect to the database
db = 'mysql --silent -p blam -D pow'
# The table where version info is stored.
table = 'schema_version'

It’s python so you can do whatever crazy things you want, and it’s a separate file so you can keep local settings out of version control.

Migrations are just sql in files whose names start with a number, like 001-adding-awesome.sql. They’re matched against '^\d+' so you can put zeros in front to keep ordering in ls happy, and whatever you want after the migration number, such as text describing the migration.

schematic creates a table (named in with one column, that holds one row, which describes the current version of the database. Any migration file with a number greater than the current version will be applied to the database and the version tracker will be upgraded. The migration and version bump are performed in a transaction.

The version-tracking table will initially be set to 0, so the 0th migration could be a script that creates all your tables (for reference). Migration numbers are not required to increase linearly.

schematic doesn’t pretend to be intelligent. Running migrations manually without upgrading the version tracking will throw things off.

Tested on sqlite any mysql.

NOTE: any superfluous output, like column headers, will cause an error. On mysql, this is fixed by using the --silent parameter.

Things that might be nice: downgrades, running python files.